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Week 6 - MBA 6101 - Google Ads: The Next Step to Profits

When starting an advertising campaign it can be hard to know where to start. To get the word out there on your small business, one easy and legitimate option is using Google Ads. Once you have arrived at the website, you simply click the "Start Now" button and follow the step by step guide, starting with adding your website URL.

From there, you will have the opportunity to tailor your advertising campaign to achieve your specific goals, whether that is increased sales or just increased website traffic or phone calls. Even the goals align with the concept of Guerilla Marketing, as described by Jay Conrad Levinson. Once you have chosen your goals, you will be directed to a page where you can write your campaign. This includes multiple headlines, which will link to searches by Google users, as well as some guided content for the ad. This appears to have been pre-populated based on the content of my website, which makes it even easier for the user to either accept the text as is or edit to fit their purposes.

Once the ad is written, you are ready to select the area in which you want to advertise. I chose to advertise in the United States, and more specifically in my area where I know there are several target companies that would benefit from my consulting services. Finally, you set your budget for the advertising campaign. I chose the lowest pre-populated option, which was $5.20 per day maximum.

And there you have it, as simple as that a new ad campaign has been started. Now all that was left was to wait and see the metrics on how successful this advertising campaign would be!

After a week, the numbers are in! Overall this campaign out performed the initial expectations of 60-130 clicks each month, according to the budget chosen. In a little under a week, the advertising campaign had already received 42 clicks from potential customers throughout the United States. 

Most of the 2,613 views were between February 22nd and February 24th, with about half of the views coming from desktop computers rather than mobile devices. Additionally, the target audience appeared to have been between the ages of 25-34. This information could then help the user tailor their campaign even further to ensure they are hitting their target audience. Overall, I am very happy with these results and will likely use Google Ads if I ever decide to move forward with consulting activities.


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